Lingampally to Falaknuma mmts train timings | mmts time table | updated mmts train timings on 06-Jan-2024

* marked trains wont run on sunday

Train timings mentioned below are up to date.If you find any of them wrong please click on feed back form and submit your findings.

NOTE: Please use horizontal scroller to view the timings
Hitech City
James Street
Arts College
Jamai Osmania
47171 47173 47213 47174 47175 47176 47177 47178 47212 47179* 47189 47180 47181 47215 47182* 47183 47184* 47185 47217 47186 47187 47210 47191 47188 47190 47219 47192 47193 47159 47194
04:25 05:55 06:30 07:05 07:45 08:23 09:00 09:25 10:05 10:45 11:30 12:00 12:40 13:10 13:20 14:30 14:50 15:45 16:08 16:25 17:05 17:35 18:10 18:35 19:15 19:38 20:20 20:45 21:10 21:45
04:29 05:59 06:34 07:09 07:49 08:27 09:04 09:29 10:09 10:49 11:34 12:04 12:44 13:14 13:24 14:34 14:54 15:49 16:12 16:29 17:09 17:39 18:14 18:39 19:19 19:42 20:24 20:49 21:14 21:49
04:34 06:04 06:39 07:14 07:54 08:32 09:09 09:34 10:13 10:53 11:39 12:09 12:49 13:19 13:29 14:39 14:59 15:54 16:16 16:34 17:13 17:43 18:18 18:44 19:24 19:46 20:28 20:53 21:19 21:54
04:38 06:08 06:43 07:18 07:56 08:36 09:13 09:38 10:15 10:57 11:43 12:13 12:53 13:23 13:33 14:43 15:02 15:58 16:20 16:39 17:17 17:47 18:22 18:48 19:27 19:50 20:32 20:57 21:23 21:58
04:40 06:10 06:45 07:20 07:58 08:38 09:15 09:40 10:17 10:59 11:45 12:15 12:55 13:25 13:35 14:45 15:04 16:00 16:22 16:41 17:19 17:49 18:24 18:50 19:29 19:52 20:34 20:59 21:25 22:00
04:42 06:12 06:47 07:22 08:00 08:40 09:17 09:42 10:19 11:01 11:47 12:17 12:57 13:27 13:37 14:47 15:06 16:02 16:24 16:43 17:21 17:51 18:26 18:52 19:31 19:54 20:36 21:01 21:27 22:02
04:45 06:15 06:50 07:25 08:03 08:43 09:20 09:45 10:24 11:04 11:50 12:20 13:00 13:30 13:40 14:50 15:09 16:05 16:27 16:45 17:24 17:54 18:29 18:55 19:34 19:57 20:39 21:04 21:30 22:05
04:47 06:17 06:52 07:27 08:05 08:45 09:22 09:47 10:26 11:06 11:52 12:22 13:02 13:32 13:42 14:52 15:11 16:07 16:29 16:47 17:26 17:56 18:31 18:57 19:36 19:59 20:41 21:06 21:32 22:07
04:49 06:19 06:54 07:29 08:07 08:47 09:24 09:49 10:28 11:08 11:54 12:24 13:04 13:34 13:44 14:54 15:13 16:09 16:31 16:49 17:28 17:58 18:33 18:59 19:38 20:01 20:43 21:08 21:34 22:09
04:53 06:23 06:58 07:33 08:12 08:52 09:28 09:54 10:32 11:12 11:58 12:28 13:09 13:38 13:48 14:58 15:17 16:13 16:35 16:51 17:32 17:41 18:02 18:38 19:02 20:05 20:48 21:12 21:39 22:14
04:55 06:26 07:00 07:35 08:14 08:54 09:30 09:56 10:36 11:14 12:00 12:30 13:11 13:40 13:50 15:01 15:19 16:15 16:38 16:53 17:35 17:43 18:05 18:42 19:05 20:08 20:51 21:15 21:41 22:16
05:12 06:42 07:17 07:57 08:32 09:10 09:50 10:12 10:52 11:32 12:20 12:47 13:27 13:57 14:07 15:22 15:36 16:32 16:55 17:12 17:55 18:22 18:57 19:27 20:05 20:25 21:07 21:37 21:57 22:32
05:17 06:47 07:22 08:02 08:37 09:13 09:52 10:17 10:57 11:37 12:26 12:49 13:32 14:01 14:12 15:26 15:42 16:37 17:00 17:17 18:00 18:27 19:02 19:32 20:10 20:30 21:12 21:42 22:00 22:37
05:19 06:49 07:24 08:04 08:39 09:15 09:54 10:19 10:59 11:39 12:28 12:51 13:34 14:03 14:14 15:28 15:44 16:39 17:02 17:19 18:02 18:29 19:04 19:34 20:12 20:32 21:14 21:44 22:02 22:39
05:21 06:51 07:26 08:06 08:41 09:17 09:56 10:21 11:01 11:41 12:30 12:53 13:36 14:05 14:16 15:30 15:46 16:41 17:04 17:21 18:04 18:31 19:10 19:36 20:14 20:34 21:16 21:46 22:04 22:41
05:23 06:53 07:28 08:08 08:43 09:19 09:58 10:23 11:03 11:43 12:32 12:55 13:38 14:07 14:18 15:32 15:48 16:43 17:06 17:23 18:06 18:33 19:15 19:38 20:16 20:37 21:18 21:48 22:06 22:43
05:27 06:57 07:32 08:13 08:47 09:24 10:03 10:28 11:08 11:48 12:38 12:58 13:44 14:11 14:23 15:37 15:53 16:48 17:10 17:27 18:10 18:37 19:23 19:43 20:21 20:41 21:22 21:53 22:11 22:47
05:30 07:00 07:35 08:16 08:49 09:27 10:06 10:31 11:11 11:51 12:40 13:02 13:46 14:13 14:26 15:40 15:55 16:51 17:13 17:30 18:13 18:40 19:26 19:46 20:23 20:44 21:25 21:56 22:13 22:51
05:32 07:02 07:37 08:18 08:51 09:29 10:08 10:33 11:13 11:53 12:42 13:04 13:48 14:16 14:28 15:42 15:57 16:53 17:15 17:32 18:15 18:42 19:28 19:48 20:25 20:46 21:27 21:58 22:15 22:53
05:34 07:04 07:39 08:20 08:53 09:31 10:10 10:35 11:15 11:55 12:44 13:06 13:50 14:18 14:30 15:44 15:59 16:55 17:17 17:34 18:17 18:44 19:32 19:50 20:27 20:48 21:29 22:00 22:17 22:55
05:37 07:07 07:42 08:24 08:57 09:35 10:14 10:39 11:19 11:57 12:47 13:11 13:54 14:21 14:34 15:46 16:01 16:59 17:20 17:36 18:20 18:47 19:34 19:54 20:29 20:51 21:32 22:03 22:19 22:57
05:42 07:12 07:50 08:30 09:02 09:42 10:27 10:42 11:25 12:02 12:53 13:17 14:00 14:30 14:40 15:52 16:06 17:02 17:28 17:42 18:30 18:52 19:37 20:00 20:37 20:55 21:37 22:07 22:40 23:15

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