Falaknuma to Lingampally mmts train timings | mmts time table | updated mmts train timings on 06-Jan-2024

* marked trains wont run on sunday

Train timings mentioned below are up to date.If you find any of them wrong please click on feed back form and submit your findings.

NOTE: Please use horizontal scroller to view the timings
Jamai Osmania
Arts College
James Street
Hitech City
47149 47150 47151 47153 47152 47154 47211 47155 47165 47156 47157 47198 47214 47158* 47169 47160* 47216 47161* 47162 47163 47164 47218 47166 47207 47167 47203 47220 47170
04:25 05:30 05:50 06:45 07:30 07:50 08:30 09:12 10:02 10:35 10:55 11:20 11:35 12:10 13:02 13:25 14:40 15:15 16:14 16:55 17:38 18:00 18:48 19:10 19:45 20:45 21:05 21:45
04:28 05:33 05:53 06:48 07:33 07:53 08:33 09:15 10:05 10:38 10:58 11:24 11:38 12:13 13:05 13:27 14:43 15:18 16:16 16:58 17:41 18:03 18:53 19:13 19:50 20:48 21:08 21:48
04:32 05:37 05:55 06:50 07:36 07:56 08:37 09:17 10:07 10:42 11:02 11:26 11:42 12:17 13:07 13:29 14:46 15:22 16:18 17:00 17:44 18:05 18:55 19:16 19:52 20:50 21:11 21:50
04:34 05:39 05:57 06:52 07:38 07:58 08:39 09:19 10:09 10:44 11:04 11:28 11:46 12:21 13:09 13:31 14:48 15:24 16:20 17:02 17:46 18:07 18:57 19:18 19:54 20:52 21:13 21:52
04:36 05:41 05:59 06:54 07:41 08:01 08:41 09:21 10:11 10:46 11:06 11:30 11:48 12:22 13:11 13:33 14:50 15:26 16:22 17:04 17:49 18:10 19:00 19:21 19:57 20:55 21:15 21:55
04:40 05:45 06:05 07:00 07:45 08:05 08:44 09:25 10:15 10:50 11:10 11:35 11:52 12:26 13:15 13:39 14:54 15:30 16:26 17:09 17:53 18:16 19:05 19:25 20:00 21:03 21:20 21:59
04:44 05:49 06:09 07:04 07:48 08:08 08:48 09:29 10:19 10:54 11:14 11:38 11:56 12:29 13:18 13:41 14:58 15:34 16:29 17:11 17:56 18:18 19:08 19:28 20:03 21:05 21:23 22:03
04:46 05:51 06:11 07:06 07:50 08:10 08:50 09:31 10:21 10:56 11:16 11:40 11:58 12:32 13:20 13:43 15:00 15:36 16:31 17:14 17:58 18:20 19:10 19:30 20:05 21:07 21:25 22:05
04:48 05:53 06:13 07:08 07:53 08:13 08:52 09:33 10:23 10:58 11:18 11:42 12:00 12:34 13:22 13:45 15:02 15:39 16:33 17:16 18:03 18:22 19:12 19:32 20:07 21:09 21:27 22:07
04:50 05:55 06:15 07:10 07:55 08:15 08:54 09:35 10:25 11:00 11:20 11:45 12:02 12:36 13:27 13:47 15:04 15:42 16:35 17:19 18:06 18:24 19:14 19:34 20:09 21:11 21:30 22:11
04:57 06:02 06:27 07:25 08:02 08:22 09:02 09:44 10:35 11:07 11:32 11:57 12:07 12:42 13:34 13:57 15:12 15:47 16:46 17:27 18:17 18:35 19:24 19:42 20:17 21:17 21:45 22:17
05:01 06:06 06:31 07:29 08:06 08:26 09:06 09:48 10:39 11:11 11:36 12:01 12:13 12:46 13:38 14:02 15:16 15:51 16:51 17:31 18:21 18:39 19:28 19:46 20:20 21:21 21:49 22:21
05:03 06:08 06:33 07:31 08:08 08:28 09:08 09:50 10:41 11:13 11:38 12:03 12:15 12:48 13:40 14:04 15:18 15:53 16:53 17:33 18:23 18:41 19:30 19:48 20:22 21:23 21:51 22:23
05:06 06:11 06:36 07:36 08:13 08:31 09:12 09:53 10:45 11:17 11:44 12:06 12:18 12:51 13:44 14:08 15:24 15:58 16:56 17:36 18:26 18:46 19:33 19:51 20:26 21:26 21:55 22:26
05:08 06:13 06:38 07:38 08:15 08:33 09:14 09:55 10:47 11:19 11:46 12:08 12:20 12:53 13:46 14:10 15:26 16:01 16:58 17:38 18:28 18:48 19:35 19:53 20:28 21:28 21:57 22:28
05:10 06:15 06:40 07:41 08:17 08:35 09:16 09:57 10:50 11:21 11:48 12:10 12:22 12:55 13:48 14:12 15:28 16:03 17:00 17:40 18:30 18:50 19:37 19:55 20:30 21:30 21:59 22:30
05:13 06:18 06:43 07:45 08:20 08:38 09:18 10:00 10:54 11:25 11:51 12:13 12:25 12:58 13:52 14:15 15:31 16:07 17:02 17:43 18:33 18:54 19:40 19:57 20:32 21:33 22:02 22:33
05:15 06:20 06:45 07:47 08:22 08:40 09:20 10:02 10:58 11:28 11:53 12:15 12:27 13:00 13:55 14:17 15:33 16:09 17:04 17:45 18:35 18:56 19:42 19:59 20:34 21:35 22:04 22:35
05:19 06:24 06:49 07:51 08:26 08:44 09:25 10:06 11:03 11:32 11:57 12:19 12:29 13:04 13:59 14:19 15:37 16:13 17:06 17:51 18:39 19:00 19:46 20:03 20:38 21:39 22:08 22:39
05:23 06:28 06:53 07:55 08:30 08:48 09:29 10:10 11:07 11:37 12:01 12:23 12:33 13:08 14:04 14:23 15:41 16:17 17:08 17:55 18:43 19:04 19:50 20:07 20:42 21:43 22:12 22:43
05:27 06:32 06:57 07:59 08:34 08:52 09:33 10:14 11:11 11:42 12:06 12:27 12:35 13:12 14:08 14:27 15:45 16:21 17:13 17:59 18:47 19:08 19:54 20:10 20:46 21:47 22:16 22:47
05:47 06:47 07:12 08:15 08:45 09:07 09:50 10:35 11:20 11:52 12:20 12:50 13:00 13:30 14:25 14:42 16:00 16:35 17:35 18:12 19:03 19:25 20:10 20:30 21:05 22:10 22:50 23:10

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